Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Something that shut me up for a few minutes…


by Brian Trimboli

I was young once. I dug holes
near a canal and almost drowned.
I filled notebooks with words
as carefully as a hunter loads his shotgun.
I had a father also, and I came second to an addiction.
I spent a summer swallowing seeds
and nothing ever grew in my stomach.
Every woman I kissed,
I kissed as if I loved her.
My left and right hands were rivals.
After I hit puberty, I was kicked out of my parents’ house
at least twice a year. No matter when you receive this
there was music playing now.
Your grandfather isn’t
my father. I chose to do something with my life
that I knew I could fail at.
I spent my whole life walking
and hid such colorful wings.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Alia: 0 , Mother Nature: 1

I don’t want babies, keep you period to yourself, you merciless bitch!

Also: OUCH!

Friday, April 24, 2009


“I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that.” – Mitch Hedberg

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ever the hard-ass…

I’ve been told that I can be very hard on people…and I’d have to admit that it’s true. I might not have seen it at first, but I suppose I am a very principled person; even if I do have a set of principles very distinctly different from most.

I realize, though, that I’m only hard on people that I care about. Brutally honest, maybe, because that’s the only way I know how to make a point or…express the gravity of a situation.

Maybe I think you’re worth taking the time to help you become a better person. Why would I waste all that energy (and risk of alienating myself from society) if I didn’t think there was potential for more in you? Do I expect too much of people? Sometimes I wish people would do the same for me, only every else seems too afraid.

So many people have said the words “I love you just the way you are”. Bullshit. Everyone can be a better version of themselves. Everyone.

I prefer to say “I love you. So you need to hear this now, and I’m not so sorry that it’s going to hurt.”


Fear of the consequences = bad reason not to make a decision.

I’m not asking much of the world, but I was raised on honesty. I’m not saying I’ve never told a white lie (God, the blank canvases I could cover with my white lies); but I don’t recall ever lying about something I thought really mattered…

A little honesty can’t kill you. It might get you in a fuckload of trouble, but Goddamn can’t you see the shitstorms that come wailing on you when you try to cover something up?

I cannot respect a liar…I think the filthiest thing you can do to someone is withhold their right to the truth.

If not for the sake of principle, then for the sake of basic decency: when you lie to someone and you expect them to believe it, isn’t that just a huge insult to their intelligence?

Do I have trust issues? Yes. But they’re not based on thin air.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hold Your Tongue

It seems I’ve forgotten how to listen – or…

I was once the vessel of your endless bounding emotions, my friends – you came to me.

Now I fear I’m falling deeper into myself: becoming a model of a person I might one day hate. Hold your tongue and learn to absorb, to listen, to want & to need to be a vessel again.

My words run from me not because I don’t want to listen, but because I have so much I want to say. I’m sorry, I’m interrupting again; speak.

This is my therapy. I speak. I cry. I manifest my emotions in a tangible form. Only then are they out of me, no longer trapped. And then I am at ease. And then I am sure.