Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rise Above

I'm taking a stand that doesn't really matter to anyone...Does anything anymore?

                              What have we brought ourselves to? "It's the state of the age" - Yes, and we're the masters of this morally void destiny.

              A person's word used to mean something. There were consequences beared for every action. "You lie, cheat & steal, and I tolerate it"...and I tolerate it...

                                                          No one questions themselves anymore. No one stands up to say they were wrong. Not when it really matters. (And not that it really matters, anyway).

                                                                                        How refreshing it would be, though, if there was a reason for every action, and a sense of reason behind every word spoken.


                       Where's my reason for all of this?


Don't choke on your words, now.

Take a deep breath (1......2......3......)

And speak freely

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Can You Hear Me?

Alright, so I'm a Muslim, but religion is a wholly separate matter from spirituality. WHOLLY separate. Holy - separate? Hehehe.

I believe in God.

Did I stutter?

Do I need to elaborate?

I believe in God.

There's no question mark there......not to say that questioning faith wasn't the thing that led me to belief in the first place.

So, question things, learn and be taught, ask away!

But then let go of the ifs and buts and maybes - acknowledge and embrace the knowledge of a higher being; don't be so self-important and cynical...they're ugly traits in a person. Question things to the point where there's nothing left to question and then accept things for what they are (congratulations! You've made it several steps ahead of blind faith and empty belief).

Why, then, do we still argue?

Your arguments are weak, human! Let go of your science and logical paradoxes and transcend, TRANSCEND!

Don't try to file everything away, we're talking about SPIRITUALITY here (let's not get into religion, I've a whole other bunch of theories on that).

Where does your precious logic come in when it comes to matters of the other realm? Of the divine?

I don't believe in blind faith, either, and I've had my doubts about God (haven't we all? It's a part of that quest to a higher understanding), but no longer...

Don't forget to seek truth in everything, and don't tie yourself down to these simplistic theories: Argue both sides and see where it takes you (never forget to see from all perspectives).

And then breathe. You've found all the answers you'll need.

Musing on Muses (It's Amusing!)

My muse? It stems from a completely selfish place! A need for self-preservation (specifically, a need to stay sane to survive!).
See, unfortunately most of my writing starts with a blunt emotional kind of pain (a lump in my throat, a ten ton anvil on my chest, a pounding thick feeling in my head) - nothing cures that better than a well-written piece of poetry (a well-placed word in a well-formed sentence) - and all else falls into place!
In sum: experience; it all boils down to experiences.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Say Goodbye

Looking out my window for days

Black out for days

I'm in a daze


Knowing there's not much of me left

Not much is left

So little depth


Cursing what I think of myself

I'm by myself

No one to help


Wave and say goodbye to me now

Goodbye for now

I take my bow

Consolement (in Reverse)

I can handle myself just fine

I always have

But thanks for your dishonest sympathy

Or whatever it is, I guess


I've been through this time after time

& time and a half

So thanks for your empty empathy

Half-hearted, at best


This feeling has always been mine

& so I laugh

Laugh off your unintended hypocrisy

But I don't mean to jest


& don't worry - I don't intend to judge you

Or think any less


& don't worry - this feeling will be gone soon

But thanks, I guess...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Succubus (The Beginning)

Succubus, so evil in their eyes

No doubt a woman, forlorn

What did he do, love,

That left you oh so torn?


Convenient scapegoat

I'm sorry for what they say

They've come to despise you

Blame away, blame away


Woman: a villain, historically

A seductress, a tease

I laugh hysterically

Is that what succubus is?


Woman: created of man

To better what he was not

Woman, who will better you

For what you have not?


Flawed by nature, human

So she's taken it ten steps further

Became that man-trap of desire

So no one now may hurt her


Human, no longer; a demon incarnate

Complete with hatred, fangs and horns

Hold back those tears, Succubus

And transform, transform


(This was a challenge I gave to someone who refused it, I am, writing it myself!)

In Western medieval legend, an incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. It was believed to do this in order to spawn other incubi. The incubus drains energy from the woman on whom it performs sexual intercourse in order to sustain itself, and some sources indicate that it may be identified by its unnaturally cold penis. Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with such a spirit by either males or females (the female version of the incubus is called a succubus) may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.

What's love to you, tyrant?

You beautiful wreck of a man

You shape-shifting deviant

I fell low, by your hand


Lord of indifference

Knows not his effect

Smiles, (that smile) and I'm his

Another for him to reject


She never asked for much

A mutual respect, no more

Did not expect his touch

To turn her into his whore


Unaffected, he never looks back

But she lets his presence dwell

Used, and repulsed by her own act

A woman who can only blame herself


Incubus, master actor

What have you done to this poor soul?

It lies here forgotten (hardened, a little)

Incubus! Another woman shunned?


Incubus, demonic concoction

What did she expect?

He feigned affection

So well...and so I fell


(NB: I try to remove myself from the poem -I&You become She&He- but in that last's just 'I')

Breathe Deep, Breathe A Little

Breathe deep, breathe a little

Breathe in and breathe out


Try to take it all in

then try to push it all out


Rock-heavy, your chest rises

and rock-heavy it falls again


This isn't getting any easier

and neither am I


Oh, to be free of this feeling

Oh, to breathe one sweet breath




This is not something you can sleep off

This is not a feeling you can ignore

I am not someone to be taken lightly

Yet I'm left here desiring more


How is it I can spread so much emotion?

And feel left receiving none

How is it we've become so jaded?

I'm done with this, I'm done